The number of dental repair techniques available today is remarkable, allowing contemporary dentists to choose the method that best suits an individual patient’s needs.
One of those amazing techniques is called bonding. In the case of a chipped, discolored, cracked or decayed tooth, a dentist can smooth bonding material into place to restore the look of a damaged or discolored tooth. Other times, bonding is used to close gaps between teeth and to protect the roots of teeth when receding gums have exposed them.
Bonding can also be used to replace those old, silver amalgam fillings a lot of us still have with an option that more closely resembles the color of the filled tooth. The ability to make “bonding agents” in a variety of shades means that repairs that may once have looked exceptionally obvious can now blend in with the tooth being repaired.
is to go through the range of composite colors that are available to you and select the closest match for your tooth.
After that, the area of the tooth that is to have the bonding agent applied to it needs to be prepped by roughening the surface being worked on and treating the area with a conditioning liquid; those steps make sure the bonding material has some textured surface to grip.
your dentist takes the putty-like bonding material and begins molding it into place on the tooth, pressing it into cracks, covering discolored patches and building up sections of the tooth that have been broken away.
When the material is in place, and your dentist is satisfied with the way it looks, a special curing light is shined on the area to harden the material and activate the bond.
in the process involves trimming away any excess bonding material, fine-tuning the shaper of the repair and polishing he repair to a level of gloss that matches your teeth.
Once your dentist is satisfied with the placement of the composite resin, he or she will shine a special curing light on the resin, which hardens the material and activates the bond between resin and tooth. Now, comes the finishing work in which your dentist does any post-curing trimming and/or shaping that needs to be done, followed by polishing to give your bonded tooth the same level of gloss as your other teeth.
You can expect to be over and done with your bonding treatment in one visit of about 30-60 minutes (unlike a process such as dental veneers, which requires a minimum of one office visit for measuring, the time it takes for a lab to make your veneers and then a second office visit to have them put in place). And in addition to being a fast solution, bonding is cost-effective. That doesn’t mean that bonding is recommended for all situations, but it does mean that you don’t have to have a more costly procedure if bonding suits your needs.
If you’re in need of dental bonding in Annapolis, let Aria Dental assess your unique requirements and suggest the best course of action.
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Aria Dental of Annapolis