For people with crooked teeth, brushing and flossing can sometimes do only so much, since the teeth create hard-to-access natural hiding places for plaque and tartar to build up. If you’re not in a position to have your teeth straightened, making sure you have a professional cleaning twice a year is especially important.
Smoking: Actually, tobacco use in general greatly increases your risk for gum disease by weakening your gums and making them more vulnerable to infection
Experiencing hormonal shifts: During pregnancy, or even a normal menstrual cycle, the gums can become sensitive and more susceptible to infection.
Wearing dentures: Just because your full or partial dentures sit in gum-colored mold, they still come into contact with the gum tissue they sit over. Without careful cleaning, dentures can hold onto food particles and develop plaque that leads to inflammation.
Aging: As we age, physical limitations can prevent us from doing a good job of brushing and flossing. Check in on older family members and see if they may need to switch to an electric toothbrush and, perhaps, a water flosser. Neither of those require a great deal of mobility
Genetics: If you have a family history of gum disease, it’s quite possible that there could be genetics involved that make you naturally more susceptible to infection of the gums.
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