Don’t let the word “veneer” put you off. We’re not talking about the kind of thin and fragile veneer you find on the particle-board furniture in your kid’s college apartment. A dental veneer is a custom-engineered covering, made from exceptionally hard, medical-grade porcelain; you’ll also hear the material referred to as “ceramic.” Again, that isn’t to be confused with the ceramics of coffee mugs or even your kitchen tile; we’re talking about much more sophisticated material.
Veneers provide a quick, durable solution for the problem of how to restore or establish an attractive smile. Teeth that have become cracked, broken, discolored, that grew in misshapen or poorly positioned are all among the type of teeth that are candidates for veneer treatment.
The process of getting veneers starts with a careful assessment of your needs. For instance, precise measurements are made, the shape of your face and mouth are taken into consideration and the shade of your teeth is noted and matched.
Once all the specifications for your veneers have been established, that information is sent to a state-of-the-art dental lab where your veneers are custom-made to the unique contours of teeth and mouth. When your veneers have been completed and set to the office, your next appointment will involve the process of applying your veneers to your teeth.
Each veneer is tried out in place, to be sure that the lab has met all of your specifications. When your dentist is satisfied, the teeth being covered are roughened, in order to give the dental adhesive used a textured service that helps the bonding process.
$199 3D X-ray, Consult and Exam
We do not accept Medicaid and other state insurances at this time.
Cost is credited toward sign up of treatment
Your veneers will then be applied to your teeth and secured with the dental adhesive mentioned above (you may also hear that material called “dental cement” or a “bonding agent”); a special curing light is used to harden the adhesive quickly.
When the adhesive has hardened, your dentist inspects the final results. If everything looks good, you’re finished! Veneers are a very simple solution that strengthens weakened teeth and brings new life to a smile dulled by nature, an accident, or even a personal habit such as smoking.
Your veneers won’t last long if you develop tooth decay or gum disease behind them. Keep up with your brushing and flossing
Use a soft toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste.
If you’re a nail biter, ice chewer or pen/pencil nibbler, break those habits right away. Any habit that can damage a real tooth can damage a veneer
Watch what you drink. Coffee, tea, soda and other richly colored beverage can stain—perhaps not your veneers themselves, but that certainly discolor any dental adhesive that might be present around your veneer edges.
No one needs an additional reason to avoid smoking but veneers just happen to have one built-in. Smoking can discolor veneers just as it can natural teeth.
If you’re considering porcelain veneers in Annapolis, please get in touch with us at Aria Dental. We have the experience you’re looking for, and we work with a lab that does absolutely amazing work.
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Aria Dental of Annapolis